Complexity: Headshot / Half-body / Full-body

Clean sketch w/ Flat/Simple color: 5$ / 10$ / 15$
Lineart w/ Flat/Simple color: 15$ / 20$ / 25$
Lineart with Complex/Shaded color: 20$ / 25$ / 30$

Examples below:

Sketches w/ Flat/Simple Color Example Lined w/ Flat/Simple Color Example Lined w/ Complex/Shaded Color Example

no color discount: -50%
extra character: +50%
simple background: +30%

will draw - mecha, humans, OCs, animal traits, ship art
won't draw - animals, hateful shit, anything without a character reference or description

Terms of Service:
Please don't alter or edit my art
Don't remove my signature
Do NOT use my art for anything AI related
You can post my art in bios or on other sites so long as you include credit, either linking to here or including my tumblr url (click here) on other sites.
Please tell me if you don't want me to post it anywhere!
Payments are made through PayPal for USD and made after the rough sketch is done.